Thursday, September 27, 2012

Creamy CM:

I know, youre screaming TMIIII!!! but you'll be GLAD i posted this if i actually get a BFP at 10dpo!

Pregnancy test at 6dpo:

I have to tilt my head to the right when looking at this pic. Im unsure if there is the faintest of lines, in person there is an ULTRA faint, faint line but im not going to say it is positive just because i dont think if im pregnant i have produced enough hcg for it to come out on any test yet besides the ones that detect 10mIu/mI and this one detects 25 and ^

My symptoms (so far)

This morning i woke up with sort of a scare. The type of scare nobody who is hoping they're pregnant in the tww would want to experience, I didnt feel a tender stomach or any pressure in there and i didnt look bloated. Im getting so used to analyzing my boobs daily that im getting used to them looking this way and now i'm in denial. It seems as if for every symptom, there is something else non related to pregnancy that it could be and it puts me down to think im not pregnant again.
I went back to sleep again and woke up feeling pressure in my uterus again (thank god) Another thing i did was take my temperature and it was at 98.6 (a huge relief!) i have never had a temperature like that so early in the morning (10:10am) So my symptoms as of just waking up are:
  • Slight pressure in the uterus area (the way i tested it not feeling anything was to bend forward and the moment it was sensitive i knew there was something lingering)
  • Nipples are still puffy
  • New symptom** achne (not a lot, like 3 red dots on my face that werent there before)
  • New symptom** i went to the bathroom and had white creamy CM! not a lot, but i had some and that is a great sign someone could have conceived.                         

I will be back later with more symptoms since right now i just woke up. Note* a normal 28 day cycle says you ovulate day 14, my chart last month said day 15 but i am still going by day 14 because when i conceived my first baby my doctor went by cd 14 as concepton date so I am 6dpo.

As the day progressed, I noticed some other things:

  1. Ive noticed im more bloated than i was yesterday.
  2. I noticed my sense of smell is getting out of control. Its almost as if my sense of smell has hightened, as goes for taste.
  3. Restlessness/fatigue: So, this is something weird. Im tired, i WANT to fall asleep in the middle of the day (around 4pm to be specific) and I just CANT for some reason. I've also been waking up at night to pee at around 5:50 ish and it's hard for me to concentrate on sleeping even though im always exhausted. 
Thats about all for today. I showed my husband the faint (and i mean FAINT) line on my pregnancy test and he said he saw it as well and he truly believes I am pregnant, so much so that hes telling his friends which I completely disagree on because theres still a chance that I'm not and anything can still happen af isnt even due until the 7th of october. That being said, i'll tune in for 7dpo symptoms (if any) tomorrow!